Pr. Purrkin's Blueberry Pie
Born: 25.07.03
Breeder: Birgit Linke
Owner: Anja Jacob
(BEC) 2108400
Blood type: A
PK-def. normal
Chip-Nr.: 276098508094303
Euro.Ch./ CFA CH Purrkin's Showdown
Born: 01.11.99
Breeder: Birgit Linke
(BEC) 2106570
Blood type: A |
CH Sienna's Wizard of Oz
Somali ruddy
BEC 2105475 |
Gr.Euro.Ch./CFA CH Purrkin's Ladykiller
Somali ruddy |
CFA CH Somystic's Sarena's Bewitched Hour
Somali fawn |
Gr.Int.Ch. Purrkin's Fame
Abyssinian var. ruddy
Born: 21.01.98
Breeder: Birgit Linke
(BEC) 2105536
PK normal |
GIC FIN*Habibin Hesekiel
Abyssinian blue |
EC Sienna's Tawny Silk
Somali sorrel |
Symbari's Bluebell of Purrkin
Somali blue
Born: 28.01.02
(CFA) 1385-142349 |
CFA Ch Symbari's Zook Suit Riot
Somali ruddy
geb. 11.03.2001
1380-1360310 |
CFA GC Tadofa's Zookpr of Imzadi
Somali sorrel |
Symbari's Kentucky Comeback Cat
Somali blue |
CFA Ch Symbari's Red Sun Rising
Somali sorrel
PK normal |
CFA GC, RW Imzadi's Tuvok
Somali ruddy |
Symbari's Kentucky Comeback Cat
Somali blue |
Ch. + CFA CH Fayda's Gladys of Mojana
Born: 13.11.02
Breeder: Heike Cyris
Owner: Anja Jacob
Blood type: A
PK-def. normal
CFA CH Purrkin's Rusty Nail
Born: 20.11.01
Breeder: Birgit Linke
(BEC) 2107606
Blood type: A
PK normal |
Euro.Ch./ CFA CH Purrkin's Showdown
Somali blue
Born: 01.11.99
Breeder: Birgit Linke
(BEC) 2106570
Blood type: A |
Ch. Sienna's Wizard of Oz
Somali ruddy |
Gr.Int.Ch. Purrkin's Fame
Somali ruddy |
Euro.Ch. Purrkin's Lucybell
Somali sorrel
Breeder: Birgit Linke
(BEC) 2105093
Blood type: A |
Ch. De-Katacombe's Mezcla Eelke
Abyssinian var. ruddy |
Euro.Ch. Lillybell's Johanna
Somali sorrel |
Elisa of Saturna
Born: 13.11.98
(BEC) 2106046
Blood type: A
PRA, PL neg |
Ch. Cachou on Tiptoe
Somali ruddy
Born: 11.09.93
Breeder: Isabel Delank
2103012 |
Gr.Eur.Ch./Euro.Pr. Foxi Zaid van Abydos
Somali ruddy |
Euro.Ch. Michigan on Tiptoe
Somali sorrel |
Gr.Euro.Ch. Purrkin's Tiffany
Somali sorrel
Born: 21.06.95
Breeder: Birgit Linke
(BEC) 2103611 |
Gr.Euro.Ch./CFA CH Purrkin's Ladykiller
Somali ruddy |
Euro.Ch. Lillybell's Johanna
Somali sorrel |